Legal Notice
In complience with the duty of information required by article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11th, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the general conditions of this website, that regulate access and use are reflected free of charge, which is constituted and associated under the following domain:
The company that owns this website (hereinafter, website) is COMPAÑÍA RELOJERA ESPECIALIZADA PARA ACTIVIDADES SUBACUÁTICAS S.L. (hereinafter, CREPAS S.L.), with address at Paseo Independencia 22, 7 planta – 50004 Zaragoza , with CIF number: B93060580. The means of contact provided are: tel.: 976 232 422; e-mail:
Actions such as registration and access to the “Portal” of the web page or contact in the available form , will imply the attribution of the condition of USER to the interested party, accepting from the free exercise of the mentioned registration or contact, the presente “Legal Notice” and the “Privacy Policy” available here.
The website provides online information about our services “Company dedicated to the design, manufacture and marketing of own brand watches” (hereinafter, “services”) belonging to CREPAS S.L. and/or its collaborators, to which the USER may have access.
The USER is responsible for the actions undertaken on the Portal, including the access registration itself, or the security of the access password established by it, and always recommending a responsible, diligent and confidential use of it. In the event of the possible enabling of chats, blogs, and comments or news sections, the USER undertakes to make appropriate and responsible use that CREPAS S.L. offers through its website, especially avoiding actions that may:
- Lead to in illegal activities, contrary to good faith and public order;
- Disseminate offensive content of a xenophobic, sexual, supports terrorism or which constitutes an attack on human rights;
- Damage the hardware and software systems of CREPAS S.L., or of its collaborators, through malware or any other method susceptible to cause damage to the integrity of the system or the privacy of the information contained.
- Interrupt and use the accounts of others USERS to manipulate the security of the accounts or the authenticity of the messages posted.
CREPAS S.L. reserves the right to eliminate and hide those comments that do not comply with the above mentioned, and that in its opinion are not suitable for publication. In any case, CREPAS S.L. will not be responsible for the comments and content shared by USERS on the web and/or Portal.
Intellectual and industrial property
CREPAS S.L., by itself or as assignee, is the owner of the intellectual property rights of the website and all the elements that are part of it (expository title, images, sound, audio, video, software or texts; trademarks or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use, domain, source code, etc. .)
It corresponds to the author the exclusive exercise of the exploitation rights of his work in any form and especially, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, which may not be carried out without his authorization, except in the cases provided for in this Law.
Both the USERS, as well as those who simply visit the website, will respect all the intellectual and industrial property rights of CREPAS S.L.without prejudice to authorizing the viewing, printing and storage of the content of the website, whether in whole or in part, only if the following conditions are met:
- Exclusive desire to obtain information for personal and private use. Its use for commercial or illicit purposes is expressly forbidden.
- Respect for the integrity of the contents of the website, expressly prohibiting any modification thereof
In turn, CREPAS the owner of the intellectual and industrial property rights referred to on its products and services. Regarding the dissemination of products and services of third parties, CREPAS S.L. ecognizes the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights in favor of their owners, not implying that their mention or appearance on the website derives in the rights or responsibilities of CREPAS S.L. about them, just as there is no type of endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation on our part unless it is expressly stated.
The unauthorized use of the information contained on the website, its resale, as well as the infringement of the Intellectual or Industrial Property rights of CREPAS S.L. will give rise to the legally established responsibilities.
Modifications - Integrity of published information
In order to improve the output of the website, CREPAS S.L. reserves the right to make, at any time and without the need for prior notice, modifications and updates to the information contained on the website, its configuration and design and this Legal Notice, as well as any other particular conditions.
The aforementioned conditions of the Legal Notice will be in force until they are modified and published by other more updated versions.
CREPAS S.L.does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors in accessing the website or its content, nor that it is updated, nor does it assume any responsibility derived from the content, information or services linked from the website, errors or omissions, nor does it guarantee the absence of malware or other elements in them that may cause alterations in the computer system (hardware y software), despite taken all technical and organizational measures technology needed to prevent it.
In no case cookies or other similar means that may be used will serve to store information to identify the natural person using the Web.
Modifications - Integrity of the types of products and services offered and published
CREPAS S.L. reserves the right to make any changes to the website without prior notice, and may modify, delete or add both the contents, products and services that are provided through the same in the way that the owner of the website deems most appropriate.
In the event that hyperlinks are attached to the website that facilitate access to other external websites, such as social networks,CREPAS S.L. will not exercise any control over such sites and their contents.
CREPAS S.L. will not be responsible for the linked web pages, nor will it guarantee their quality, technical availability, accuracy, amplitude, veracity, reliability, validity and constitutionality of any content in any of the hyperlinks that it allows to other Internet sites.
Likewise, the availability of such hyperlinks does not implicitly lead to the consummation of any type of merger, collaboration or participation with the related entities. Without prejudice to the possibility, that some links are previously agreed with the owner of the website linked for the purpose of consideration for the actions carried out freely by the USER (affiliate marketing). However, such a situation will not affect in any case the absence of responsibility that CREPAS S.L. has on the independence of responsibilities for the content on the linked website.
Existing articles and collaborations on our website
CREPAS S.L. is not responsible for the opinions of third parties that have been published on our website nor does it necessarily coincide with them, without prejudice to serving as a channel of expression so that readers can form their opinion freely and according to their own criteria.
Right of exclusion
CREPAS S.L. reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to its website and/or the services offered, without prior notice, at its own request or that of a third party, and without the right to indemnity or any compensation, when these available conditions in this Legal Notice are breached.
CREPAS S.L. In the event of non-compliance with these conditions of the Legal Notice on its website, the owner will exercise all available civil and criminal actions that may correspond to him according to current legislation..
Contact form
This form has a purely informative character without in any case can necessarily derive a response to the communications made by this means or the response, if any, can derive any binding legal effect for CREPAS S.L., its partners, associates or collaborators.
Applicable Law
The applicable law in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this Legal Notice, as well as any question related to the information, or products/services available on this website will be under the European and Spanish regulations.
- Law 34/2002 of July 11st, on information society services and electronic commerce (LSSI)/li>
- Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27th, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data
- Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5th, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights.
Paseo Independencia 22, 7 planta – 50004 Zaragoza